I fucking hate Dems and Repugs...both parties are full of fucking shit. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4968
I fucking hate that Dusty Rhodes is dead. I fucking hate how many people I admire are dead. Everyone I hate is still alive...go fucking figure. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4967
I fucking hate that the IWC fail to realize what whiny, fat zitty, man boob having monkey turds they are. Just because you have a blog and post your opinion it and like 15 people follow it, you are of no importance. You don't know everything about the in and outs of wrestling, you fucking dogmatic, deluded dicksnots. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4966
I fucking hate that fat illegitimate spawn of Jabba the Hutt and Tony Soprano, Chris Christie. The guy looks like when he sweats, he smells like bacon grease. I fucking hate that his anti-marijuana stance when he has associates profiting off of medical marijuana. I fucking hate he had the gall to talk about drug addicts with no self-control, when he can't even control his fucking weight, spending $300,000 of our fucking money on food and drinks at football games. I hope he chokes on a ham sandwich and dies, the fat morass of walking cholesterol. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4965
I fucking hate how overused the word overrated is. I fucking hate when people say they don't like certain figures and things because it's overrated. When I ask them to explain why they think it's overrated, they never come up with a legit answer other than it's overrated. I fucking dogmatic douchebags. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4964
I fucking hate when Selena died, the ignorant asshole told the Latino population to get over it. The same fucks who still celebrate and mourn that fat hillybilly drug addict who died on a toilet, Elvis. Selena was a positive role model for them, and they're always portraying Latinos in the media as petty violent criminals. She meant everything to them, just like Elvis meant everything to you fuckers. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4963
I fucking hate people who try to use hipster or liberal in a derogatory way. You say those things like it's a bad thing. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4962
I fucking hate people who use mental disorders to excuse their shitty behavior. It makes people who ACTUALLY HAVE a mental disorder look bad, especially when they're trying so hard to fight against stigmas about mental disorder. I fucking hate people who think mental disorders are a myth. I hate when they say, "What do you have to be depressed about? Suck it up. Everyone has problems, get over it, pray." Fuck you waffle twats. ~ The Prodigal Hater.
Hate # 4961
I fucking hate apathy. ~ The Prodigal Hater.
Hate # 4960
I fucking hate people who take endless selfies. They're fucking failure turtles who need to be stomped on by Mario. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4959
I fucking hate with all the shit going on in the world, people are more obsessed with animated couples getting a divorce and their stupid fucking sports teams winning the playoffs. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4958
I fucking hate white privilege. I fucking hate all this fucking billionaire cunts who call poor people lazy, when they didn't even work for their money. They fucking inherited the billions. I fucking hate how the American Dream is a big fucking lie. I fucking hate credit cards, evil plastic consumer design to keep stupid spendaholic people in debt. I hate people who live beyond their means. I fucking hate double standards. I fucking hate white privilege. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4957
I fucking hate that people won't accept the truth, even when you're slapping them in the face with facts, they argue you down and dismiss it. I fucking hate cherry pickers and people who are willfully ignorant. I fucking hate stupid people. I hope you all fucking choke on a fish bone. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4956
I fucking hate Tea Party extremist douchebags. They're dumbing down society, along with fucking celebutante cunts like Kim Kartrashian. I fucking hate that narcissistic deluded douche Kanye, I fucking hate how society continues to lower the bar. Things that were once considered shameful is now the norm. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4955
I fucking hate that Wakasm doesn't come here anymore. His hates were awesome. ~ Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4954
I fucking hate the fucking trolls and whiny bitches on this website. Just like everything else, they took a beautiful creation and fucking ruined it. Fuck all of you, I hope you fucking spontaneous combust! ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4953
I fucking hate the bitch who complained about pot heads on here. Maybe if you had a joint once in a while, you wouldn't be so fucking miserable. Soppy fucking wench. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4952
I fucking hate coffee. I will always fucking hate coffee. I hate the fucking pricks and bitches who act like fucking temperamental morons when they don't have their coffee. I fucking hate when people ask me how can I function without coffee. I fucking hate people who think not having their daily dose of that awful shit gives them a free pass to be a douche to everyone. Fuck coffee. Fuck coffee right in the ass. Fuck Starbucks and all those other fucking coffee franchises. ~ The Prodigal Hater
Hate # 4951
I fucking hate dealing with death. Just lost my paternal grandmother two days after the death anniversary of my maternal grandmother. And what's more, my best friend is going away from me...I can't handle this. Why is life so fucked up like this? Experiencing pain over and over. I just want to commit suicide and let it be done with. ~ Damned
Hate # 4950
I fucking hate when grown ups say doo doo or pee pee. I have to doo doo. Wtf, you're not 6 ffs! Say I have to take a shit or drop the kids off by the pool. Drain the weasel wouldn't be bad either. Talk your age! ~ Dion
Hate # 4949