I fucking hate that my wife has yeast infection ~ Frustrated in Arizona
Hate # 4608
I fucking hate how the History Channel glorifies redneck culture. Like it's a good thing. Makes Americans look bad. ~
Hate # 4607
I fucking hate stupid people who think all black people like grape soda. I'm black and I fucking hate grape soda. I also hate grape kool-aid. ~
Hate # 4606
I fucking hate the DNews Youtube channel! It has ads popping up all over the place and the video titles are interesting but their fucking content sucks! So annoying! ~ Emil Jansson
Hate # 4605
I fucking hate that I'm trapped in this fucking hell hole of a fucking apartment because of the fucking snow. Fuck you mother nature, you menopausal bitch! ~
Hate # 4604
I fucking hate USPS. They never fucking deliver my mail on time! ~
Hate # 4603
i fucking hate,i don't see anything funny? ~ ?
Hate # 4602
Metallica- Welcome home (Sanitarium) ~ Steven
Hate # 4601
Hoobastank - The Reason ~ Steven
Hate # 4600
snow patrol chasing cars ~ you
Hate # 4599
"I fucking hate" you! ~ Steven
Hate # 4598
I,hate ghost! ~ sTEVEN
Hate # 4597
I fucking hate suck-ass cowards who hide behind there fictitious regulations. Go to the place where they say to get help and they say ,"I don't know" or " I cant tell you." This suck fuck shit has gone on for to long and I wish to ,"Hate " ,...them.;, into the fucking earth. I fucking hate there little lick-ass cult but sometimes when there licking dead raccoon ass somebody is already there waiting for them to have there ass suck party. Fucking suck ass pieces of shit. So I have somewhere to go. Fuck You and I see ya later. k. bye. ~ Charlie L.
Hate # 4596
"I fucking hate" all of you. ~ wesadam@verizon.net
Hate # 4595
I hate the fact that in the USA, one can aspire for greater career movements and no matter how hard the person tries cannot get a better career. I hate the fact that my supervisors have a better pay and are automatically entitled to 2 weeks vacation and that is paid for mind you. If I did that I would not have any money. Those pieces of shit. I hate how reliable, dependable, nice, and caring I am about people who could care less about anything about me. I hate that my parents both biologically and foster parents always beat the shit out of us all of our lives... God damnit...I hate how I had foster care system failed us and fucking fucked me up for the rest of my life. I cannot make friends cuz if I do what is their real ulterior motives for being my friend. Came from one fucked up background... At schooling, I failed and I fucking fail everything. Everything that I put my hand to fucking fails massively and I hate that shit but cannot change a thing... ~ whatever
Hate # 4594
Ok Let's see I fucking hate public displays of affection... I mean gawd, girl why don't you get a fucking hotel room and ride his fucking cock there. Ugh, players, guys that play mind games, dueschbags, teachers who cannot teach, my sisters who think that they are god's gift, my brother who by the way does not have any of his shit together, only reason he has a house is that he married his wife who by the way, her parents got her the fucking house... She don't deserve shit and just a goddamned bitch like all the time. I hate society in general, people every where you go, pieces of shit frolicking the fuck about like they deserve the attention, fuck off you fucking fucker. I hate my job where I can see that the shit that I do is so unappreciated and I fucking hate working a job that does not do shit for my sanity. I fucking wanna quit it if I could but then I could be forced into getting a check from the state because I am a piece of shit that cannot do a thing. I fucking hate people who say they are my friends but you know damned well that they ain't. Our friendship consists of me helping these fucking losers who cannot do one thing for themselves. Get your own drivers license you whore, get a job and get moved out of your parents homes. People that say that we have had along time line and friendship, says that they wanna be a better friend by fucking me and then what does that leave me nothing but bullshit. I just wanna chop his dick off to teach his ass a fucking lesson so he doesn't get to be such an idiot. He has no respect for me or even the opposite sex and has a very lowly self esteem issues. I hate people in my life cuz they wanna tell me how to live but fuck off already because you don't fucking own me and it ain't your responsibility to tell me what to do all the time. GOOOOODDD, fuck off all of you pieces of shit!!! ~ fuckingfuckoff
Hate # 4593
I fucking hate that Lance Ass thinks I'm playing games. No matter, I have friends in high places. I'll find your address out for myself..and then I'll fucking kill your bitch ass. ~ Speed Demon
Hate # 4592
I fucking hate that lance bass hasn't callediiwant him to lick my man pussy and fill it with his hot wsrm cum please lance, I am naked on my bed with my butt cheeks spread widr open waiting for your cock. ~ speedfagget
Hate # 4591
I fucking hate that my address is ABC 123 Sesame Street. Come over SpeedNigger, I'll suck your fat nigger cock. ~ Lance Bass
Hate # 4590
I fucking hate that all of you feed into the troll's bullshit. If he wants to be an annoying virgin troll, let him. ~ Kaffiyah
Hate # 4589